Author Archives: aRSoar-admin
Asia Pacific (APAC) Legal Congress 2024
Very excited to be attending this! Will be wearing my CEO hat for this one. [...]
Chip of the old Block – News from Crypto World
The big news this week in Australia was Senator Bragg introducing the Digital Assets (Market [...]
You wouldn’t go to a Vet (veterinarian) if you were sick – so why trust anyone other than a Master Migration Lawyer with your visa or migration matters. Best immigration lawyers. Best Compensation lawyers
Best immigration lawyers. Best Compensation lawyers. As reported in the Age newspaper Twenty 20 migration [...]
NFT Fest Aus 2022
Wed, Nov 23, 9:00 AM Alex Theatre St Kilda.
If you are there too – say G’day!
If it walks like a Duck: LBRY token held to be a security.
As reported by the Block -LBRY token held to be a security. The Securities and [...]
Privacy laws to be strengthened – huge hike in penalties for breaches
As reported incoming legislative change will significantly strengthen its online privacy laws following a spate [...]
Magnitsky Act – if you care about human rights (and what is going on in Ukraine) you must understand this piece of law and read this book. Kudos Bill Browder
(photo is of Magnitsky and Brower) American-born British businessman Bill Browder did not set out [...]
Mapping out Australia’s path to tech jobs future
Statement for The Hon Ed Husic MP Minister for Industry and Science A pathway to [...]