Big win at the AAT – Cancelled Student Visa. There may be Hope!


A student contacted us because her Australian Student visa had been cancelled. The power used by the immigration department was s116. (Section 116 of the Migration Act notoriously difficult cases and extremely complex to argue)

This is was a very difficult case consequently it was fortunately referred it to our legal team – ABG Legal – ABG legal is headed by AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers.

The case, as often happens, was made more problematic due to the bad advice and incompetent work of a migration agent.

(Often students would be better off doing there own applications than risking the visa application with a cheap and poorly trained migration agent.)

Lucky for the student Mr Robinson BA. LLB. GLCP. LLM Master of visa & immigration law of AR LAW Services. Master Migration Lawyers was able to do remedial work and convince the AAT to “reverse” the departments decision and “remit” the matter for reconsideration.

That is she won!

So if you or someone you know has had their visa cancelled or have received notice from the department the visa is about to be cancelled pursuant to section 116 or any other grounds talk to us.  (for more about cancelled or refused visa go to

Visa Cancellation Appeals

Cases Won

AR LAW Services are not only Masters of Migration and Visa law but we have extensive experience in AAT and Federal Circuit Court appeals including GTE, PIC 4020 Bogus Document, health and character matters and s501 cases, these are extremely complex and specialist area of Australian immigration law and that is where a Master Migration Law with over 20 years experience may give you the edge you need.

In these uncertain times of ever changing laws you can depend on us! AR LAW SERVICES. The Smarter, Tougher, Better Immigration Lawyers.  We will fight for you.

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Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)

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