Pandemic – Both AR SOAR: Student Services. Specialist Education Consultants & AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers will remain open but there will be changes.

Given AR LAW Services assists many clients through out the world with, not only Australian visa applications – that is with matters before the Department of Immigration – but also many appeal cases at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and Federal Courts (Federal Circuit, Federal Court & High Court) for visa refusal or cancellation and nomination issues, we will remain open to continue to help our clients.

But with the safety of both my staff and my clients at the fore of my mind, AR LAW SERVICES will move to conduction all but the most essential conferences to tele-conferences until further notice.

Given AR LAW SERVICES does a great deal of AAT and Federal Court appeal work for refused and cancelled visas for health and character grounds this will ensure that our clients are not only kept safe but also kept informed in these very dynamic times.

So if you or someone you know has had a visa refused or has had a visa cancelled or have concerns particularly about Health issues or has failed to secure a HEALTH WAIVER talk to us.

Similarly if you or anyone you know has an Australian Visa refused, rejected or cancelled due to police history or character grounds contact us to discuss your Appeal or Review options.

Remember TRUST ONLY a Master Migration Lawyer andmake an appointment with AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyer.

Book a Consultation

Call 03 9614 0218 or email to make an initial 30 Minute consultation at our Melbourne office. (conditions apply)

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Note: this update, or any previous updates on this page, do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Please call our office to seek professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content on this page

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