Warning – the law is likely to change. It will no longer be safe to trust a Migration Agent with your visa matter.

The Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee has just released a report following an inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Regulation of Migration Agents) Bill 2019, also known as the “Deregulation Bill”

The committee has recommended that the Bill (a potential law) becomes the LAW.

What does that mean?

It means Immigration Lawyers will no longer be regulated by a body called MARA thus ending the confusion that many visa applicants face. The change in the law also closes a “loophole” which has allowed dodgy migration agents to “trick” visa applicants.

What that means to visa applicants is you should no longer RISK your Visa, your money or your future on a dodgy migration agent.

TRUST only an Australian Immigration LAWYER with your student visa matter.

The law is changing so be SAFE – talk only to a migration Lawyer.

AR SOAR. Student Services is happy to arrange an appointment through our ABG discount service.

Email us today to see how we can help. info@arsoar.com.au

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